jQuery UI 1.10.4 Changelog

Released on January 17, 2014

link Build

  • Added: Support for running on Travis. (13c17eb)
  • Added: Verify characters in output. (#9037, 7396460)

link Core & Utilities

link Widget Factory

  • Fixed: widgetEventPrefix is empty when widget is loaded twice. (#9316, c241313)
  • Fixed: Calling _setOption() with undefined as 3rd argument should act as a setter. (#9601, 6cdebe8)

link Position

  • Fixed: Positioning within a document throws an error. (#9533, c8b2640)
  • Fixed: $.position.scrollbarWidth detection causes layout issues. (#9291, edf36f3)

link Interactions

link Droppable

  • Fixed: offsetWidth and offsetHeight are queried unnecessarily causing synchronous reflow. (#9339, 0ab1e16)

link Resizable

  • Fixed: Erratic behavior of contained elements within scrollable grandparents. (#9307, 1660c76)
  • Fixed: Element can incorrectly move when grid option is set. (#9611, 20b44cc)
  • Fixed: Off-by-one pixel dimensions with helper and grid. (#9547, e29e5b5)

link Widgets

link Accordion

  • Fixed: aria-expanded attribute on wrong element. (#9407, d21e8a6)

link Autocomplete

  • Fixed: Multiple instances should be able to start asynchronous requests simultaneously. (#9334, e4a194c)

link Button

  • Fixed: Radio button & checkboxes ignore mouseclicks for minor mouse movements. (#7665, 52e0f76)
  • Fixed: Disabled button maintains ui-state-focus in IE & Firefox on Windows. (#9169, 6e48da0)

link Datepicker

  • Fixed: Removed "<" in the "Anterior" text for the pt locale. (ea72dea)
  • Fixed: Incorrect capitalization for French and Spanish. (#9289, 511bd98, 7bbe9dc)
  • Fixed: Incorrect values in Latvian localization. (#9656, 1da91cd)
  • Fixed: Correct the Finnish date format. (#9609, ce0cef9)
  • Fixed: Wrong dateformat for Icelandic datepicker locale. (#9431, 94be965)
  • Fixed: Incorrect settings for Lithuanian locale. (#9281, d8e166b)

link Dialog

  • Fixed: Closes on enter in textbox in IE. (#9312, 2623836)
  • Fixed: Resizable dialogs move/resize out of viewpoint boundry. (#9521, b6f8ad6)
  • Fixed: Resizing causes close icon to misalign in Firefox. (#9133, fd80c34)
  • Fixed: Dialog throw error in IE9 with iframe. (#8443, 29e8077)
  • Fixed: Window blurs in IE9. (#9420, 29e8077)
  • Fixed: Error with programmatic focus. (#9384, 9b39852)
  • Fixed: Autofocus issue with dialog opened from menu widget. (#9044, 78c593b)
  • Fixed: menuselect is not always fired. (#9469, b02a32f)
  • Fixed: Refreshing should recheck for menu icons. (#9377, db1ee1a)

link Slider

  • Fixed: Changing range option to false does not remove range div. (#9355, 8fba171)

link Spinner

  • Fixed: Forced field validation in Firefox before field loses focus or form is submitted. (#9573, b846bea)

link Tabs

  • Fixed: Refresh issue when tabs are moved to bottom. (#9584, 8eefd20)
  • Fixed: Incorrect remote tab detection in IE7. (#9317, 39ff5b3)

link CSS Framework

  • Fixed: Title color not reset in a focused accordion tab. (#9428, 8f7e342)