jQuery UI 1.14.0 Changelog

Released on August 5, 2024

link Supported jQuery versions

This release has been tested against jQuery 1.12.4, 2.2.4, 3.6.4 & 3.7.1. Since jQuery follows semver, newer jQuery <4 versions within each major version line should generally work as well.

jQuery UI 1.14 triggers no jQuery Migrate warnings when running its test suite against jQuery 3.7.1 with jQuery Migrate 3.5.2, i.e. the latest versions at the time of this release.

link General

  • Removed: Support for IE & other legacy browsers (bb49bd794)
  • Removed: Support for older jQueries within each major line (daa6fb55b, ec3edb687, aa06be981, ec3edb687)
  • Changed: Stop relying on jquery-patch.js internally, add tests (9887579b6)
  • Fixed: Opacity of the ui-widget-overlay class in root-level files jquery-ui.css & jquery-ui.theme.css in jquery-ui-1.14.0.zip & jquery-ui-themes-1.14.0.zip - as well as their minified versions - is now correctly .3 instead of .003 (jquery/download.jqueryui.com@f4c9d83)

link Core & Utilities

link UI Core

  • Removed: The deprecated ui/core.js file (03cde342c)
  • Changed: Make back compat disabled by default (ac8b1e4ee)
  • Changed: Fix form-reset-mixin test module name, add to the tests HTML (5f615c275)

link Interactions

link Sortable

  • Changed: Rename storedStylesheet to _storedStylesheet (f90eab84b)

link Widgets

link Datepicker

link Dialog

link Effects

link Build

  • Added: Add /.github, /build & /external to .npmignore (#2075, f849c50db)
  • Removed: Support for Node 10 (99250fe51)
  • Removed: Unused build/themes (448df32bb)
  • Removed: testswarm Grunt task (1f251ca39)
  • Removed: Code supporting Jenkins and TestSwarm (f47c7fe44)
  • Changed: Consolidate GH actions runs; separate git & stable jQuery versions (d45638abf)