jQuery UI 1.5.1 Changelog
Released on June 26, 2008
link Interactions
link Draggable
- Distance option now defaults to 1 instead of 0, allowing for click events (#3016)
- Fixed issue when placeholder didn't exist (#3018)
link Droppable
- Disabling droppables does not prevent adding the hoverclass under some circumstances (#3010)
link Resizable
- Distance option now defaults to 1 instead of 0, allowing for click events (#3016)
- Fixed exception when using containment: document option (#2988)
- Renamed autohide option to autoHide (camelCase) for consistency (#2990)
- Renamed proxy option to helper for consistency (#2996)
- Fixed issues with alsoResize option
link Selectable
- Distance option now defaults to 1 instead of 0, allowing for click events (#3016)
- Resize callback being called too early (before element resized) (#3026)
link Sortable
- Distance option now defaults to 1 instead of 0, allowing for click events (#3016)
- Unexpected behavior with sortables, when items contain wrapped lines (#3000)
- Corrected items callback to receive standard args: event, ui
- Stop being fired too early (#3019)
- Placeholder displays above dragged element (#2951)
- Placeholder positioning issues; hierarchical sortable issues (#2976)
- Connected lists items are not refreshed until you actually move into the connected list - this improves performance for connected lists
- Extreme performance increase
- Fixed serialize issue when a key was specified as option, but no custom expression
- update callback was not called every time (#3028)
link Widgets
link Accordion
- Various internal optimizations
- Consistent parameters for dispatched events and callbacks. (#2340)
link Datepicker
- Various language file corrections
- Allow setting of cell title via beforeShowDay
- Fire event on change of month/year (#2876)
- onClose bug for ranges in IE; wrapper span bug in IE; remove attribute bug in IE
- Allow relative dates with multiple periods
- Next link shows > when hideIfNoPrevNext is true (#2658)
- Datepicker does not allow manual entry of alphabetic characters (#2700)
- Date range + restricting allows invalid range (#2724)
- Date formatting characters can be used within the prev/current/next texts. (#2593)
- Week row hover styling (#2641)
- When showing "off page" behaves strangely (#2371)
- Correct datepicker placement when used in static areas; Correct select coverage in IE 6
- Split out display date and date value formats (#2038)
link Dialog
- The opening and closing of a dialog can now be animated with any jQuery UI effects, using two new options: show, hide. Currently no animation options can be supplied, only a string (the name of the effect). This issue is still in progress. (#2358)
- Added resizeHelper
- Added dragHelper
- Corrected context (thisArg) for callbacks: dragStart, drag, dragStop, resizeStart, resize, resizeStop (#3017)
- Added autoResize option; default value: true (#3025)
- Fixed buttons so they can be changed after init using .data("buttons.dialog", ... )
- Fixed stacking problem with modal dialogs.
- Calling open on an already open dialog no longer causes problems (#3032)
link Slider
link Tabs
- Consistent parameters for dispatched events and callbacks. (#2340) Note: This is an API change. The order of parameters for callbacks is different than previous version. Now the first parameter is Event, the second - ui interface object.
link Effects
link Core
link Clip
- Clip effect should be animating the wrapper
- Corrected context (thisArg) of callback
- Fix for clip to better work with images (animates wrapper for images only)
link Fold
- Allow folding to occur horizontally first
link Scale
- Easing doesn't work for effects.scale (#2967)
link Transfer
- Transfer effect transfers to the wrong place in Safari 3.1.1 (#2983)