jQuery UI 1.7.0 Changelog
Released on March 3, 2009
link Summary
This release adds one new widget: Progressbar. It also modifies other widgets to utilize the new jQuery UI CSS Framework.
link Core
- Added: metadata support to the widget factory. (#3187)
- Added: trigger method for triggering callbacks and events in widget factory.
- Added: :data selector that matches elements that have data for a given key.
- Added: :enableSelection/disableSelection now returns the chain (#3174)
- Added: Made enableSelection/disableSelection standard jQuery methods (#3459)
- Added: a namespace to the selectstart event handler in $.ui.disableSelection() so we don't remove other event handlers in $.ui.disableSelection().
- Added: constants for key codes. (#3233)
- Added: option method to widgets (#3257)
- Added: Let mouse events propagate (#3552)
- Added: All files now have version numbers in the header (#3284)
- Added: :tabbable selector to find elements that participate in the tabbing order.
- Fixed: Don't prevent click event if mouseup occurs on a different element than mousedown (#4146)
- Fixed: Too much recursion with double include (#4130)
- Fixed: Error triggering mousedown on elements that use $.ui.mouse (#4061)
- Fixed: triggered events are missing properties from the original events (#3965)
- Fixed: Components should use this.widgetName on internal methods (#3838)
- Fixed: Mouse: Cancel drags in
- Fixed: keyCodes should be in the $.ui namespace (#3665)
- Fixed: Prevent multiple instantiations of the same plugin on a single element
- Fixed: The dollar sign should be used globally in UI instead of 'jQuery' (#3596)
- Fixed: Instead of defining .ariaRole() and .ariaState(), ui.core is proxying .attr() for FF2 (#3529)
- Fixed: Moved call to _init outside of constructor. This makes it possible to invoke callbacks during initialization and have those callbacks use the widget (#3633)
- Fixed: Modified widget factory to prevent access to internal methods through the API
- Fixed: Removing elements causes instantiated plugins to be destroyed again (#3457)
- Fixed: trigger() to be able to return a value from triggerHandler.
- Fixed: selectionDisable for IE.
- Fixed: hasScroll now checks for overflow hidden, since then the user wants the scrollbar to be hidden
- Deprecated $.ui.plugin. Use the proxy pattern instead.
link Interactions
link Draggable
Added: addClasses option (#4036)
Added: revertDuration option since revert no longer checks for numbers
Added: Implemented more advanced features to the snap option - you can now pass in an object instead of a boolean into "snap", possible keys are the callbacks snap/release (which both receive ui.snapItem) and items (jQuery selector, defaults to :data(draggable))
Added: Implemented patch that allows revert to be a callback, receives one argument which is the droppable (#3175)
Removed: 'options' from ui hash (#3917)
Fixed: Margin on body element in safari caused bump (#4141)
Fixed: Defaults should be set to 'false' if disabled, not null (#3878)
Fixed: Containment (resizable and draggable) not working when container has overflow:hidden (#3328)
Fixed: draggable position refactoring - fixes many bugs, many edge case issues - added many new tests to draggable, especially related to scrolling and helper clone (fixes 3268,3227)
Fixed: Containment broken in Chrome (#4192)
Fixed: Fixed positions include wrong scroll offset in Safari (#4142)
Fixed: Disabled sortable still receives elements from draggable (#3980)
Fixed: Removing ui.draggable immediately after the drop callback raises an error (#4087)
Fixed: Made connectToSortable accept strings (#3984)
Fixed: Respect padding in containment (#3957)
Fixed: Renamed absolutePosition to offset in ui hash (#3976)
Fixed: Respect 'axis' option during scrolling (#3868)
Fixed: Nested draggables should not conflict (#3910)
Fixed: Containment option doesn't work with Array (#3877)
Fixed: Snap positioning is wrong (#3853)
Fixed: connectToSortable revert valid/invalid bug (#3556)
Fixed: If cursorAt was used, draggable reverted to the wrong position (#3699)
Fixed: draggable snap option doesn't include scroll offsets (#3710)
Fixed: Re-implemented containment and grid support (fixes 3607)
Fixed: wrong className in iframeFix (#3653)
Fixed: Error when the items are dragged back to a draggable when connected to a sortable (#3502)
Fixed and updated tests, rewrote positioning core, now passes the test suite completely in FF, IE6, IE7. (#3535,#3555)
Fixed: Draggable CSS classes aren't removed on destroy (#3424)
Fixed: Prevent exposure of internal methods (#3200)
Fixed: incorrect helper checking (#3511)
Fixed: helper function is applied incorrect parameters (#3471)
Fixed: Enhanced minor performance improvements at init
Fixed: relative position bug
Fixed: overflow calculation in the positioning methods
Fixed: issue when scroll was set to true, and therefore droppables inside changed their position as well
Fixed: IE scrolling but with overflowing containers and appendTo being used
Fixed: snapTolerance option instead of default
Fixed: proper usage of _mouseCapture, fixes interaction issues when many plugins are used on the same element (#3164)
Fixed: problem with helper clone (#3256)
Fixed: Dragging fixed position elements throw error in browsers (#3166)
link Droppable
- Added: addClasses option (#4037)
- Added: complete technical specification to https://wiki.jqueryui.com/Droppable (#3747)
- Fixed: Removed use and support for $.ui.plugin (#3723)
- Fixed: Renamed offset to absolutePosition in ui hash (#3978)
- Fixed: accept function - 'this' context should be DOMElement, not jQuery object (#3955)
- Fixed: Droppable defaults should be set to 'false' if disabled, not null (#3881)
- Fixed: Unable to remove() ui.draggable (sortable item) immediately after the drop callback (#4088)
- Fixed: Use the jQuery UI event triggering (#3727)
- Fixed: accept.droppable not an option (#3386)
- Fixed: Prevent exposure of internal method (#3201)
- Fixed: .is(accept) on init()
- Fixed: droppables and sortables in the current dragged item are filtered out at start, preventing node hierarchy issues
- Fixed: proper usage of _mouseCapture, fixes interaction issues when many plugins are used on the same element (#3164)
- Fixed: Droppable Elements jump and move below mouse when page is scrolled down (#3268)
- Fixed: drop is invoked as many times as droppable has been invoked (#3275)
link Resizable
- Fixed: prevent exposure of internal methods (#3204)
- Fixed: Resizable aspectRatio is switched. Should be width/height (#3450)
- Fixed: Resizable css cursor not getting applied (#3480)
- Fixed: errors when alsoResize option is a jQuery object (#3693)
- Fixed: all classes added should have 'ui-' prefix, 'proxy' should be 'ui-resizable-helper' (#3708)
- Fixed: containment fix (#3714) (#3067)
- Fixed: 'grid' option (#3131)
- Fixed: default resizable has no visual indication (#3767)
- Fixed: animate event has no callback (#3843)
- Fixed: animated option broken (#3841)
- Fixed: handles fail to disappear (#3237)
- Fixed: Attempt to make textarea resizable in IE7 fails if textarea in hidden container (#3058)
- Fixed: containment - only scales on x-axis (#3733)
- Fixed: the knobHandles and theme detection things should be removed from resizable (#3906)
- Fixed: alsoResize changes size of other element(s) in IE6 (#3879)
- Fixed: !respecting min height || width (#3251)
- Fixed: bug in IE6, IE7 (#3894)
- Fixed: containment option, container size changes during resize in IE6 (#3954)
- Fixed: dialog jumps in IE6 when scrolled down (#3971)
- Fixed: animated resizable broken (#3775)
- Fixed: disableSelection option should be removed (#4093)
- Fixed: remove transparent option (#4098)
- Fixed: preserveCursor option should be removed (#4092)
- Fixed: proportionallyResize option should be removed (made internal) (#4090)
- Fixed: preventDefault should not be an option as there's not use case for false (#4135)
- Fixed: Little jump when a resizable is about to reach the coordinate 0 (in x- or y-axis) (#4147)
- Fixed: Left Margin Calculated Incorrectly (Using Containment) (#3882)
link Selectable
- Added: missing ui-selectable-helper class to helper/lasso element
- Removed: element and options from ui hash (#3752)
- Fixed: random Safari issues (#3854)
- Fixed: Use the jQuery UI trigger method to trigger events (#3729)
- Fixed: Prevent exposure of internal methods (#3205)
link Sortable
- Added: support helper: "original" and fixes tons of issues (placeholder zIndex issue for example).
- Added: forcePlaceholderSize option
- Added: cancel method to ui-event-object: call to prevent sort (#3283, 3402)
- Fixed: Enhanced intersectWidth maths accuracy
- Fixed: Changed default tolerance to a more meaningful name: "intersect" (#3887)
- Fixed: Implemented the option connected (boolean), for the method serialize to also serialize connected lists
- Fixed: an items issue caused the items of the container itself to be doubled if the connected query also match on it
- Fixed: droppables and sortables in the current dragged item are filtered out at start, preventing node hierarchy issues
- Fixed: the outer container is not set to relative anymore, preventing some weird IE bugs
- Fixed: beforeStop should work properly in all cases
- Fixed: wrong parameter in toArray
- Fixed: proper usage of _mouseCapture, fixes interaction issues when many plugins are used on the same element (#3164)
- Fixed: if a key option is specified to sortable("serialize"), brackets are no longer automatically added to it
- Fixed: UI Sortables IE issue with CSS overflow property (#3052, https://bugs.jqueryui.com/ticket/3039)
- Fixed: IE6+ doesn't fire click-event after sorting (#3488)
- Fixed: Sortable doesn't prevent click on dragged link (#3132)
- Fixed: sortable with default radio (prev ticket 2930) (#3466)
- Fixed: prevent exposure of internal methods (#3209)
- Fixed: Sortables do not work on sorted elements that are also resizable (#3164)
- Fixed: select boxes in a sortable can't be changed (#3485)
- Fixed: Events removed on sortable elements (#3541)
- Fixed: Positioning issue on sortable connected to draggable (#3479)
- Fixed: Inline styles not removed after sorting (#3542)
- Fixed: Scroll jumping on drag elements in sortable (#3591)
- Fixed: Sortable elements not staying inside container (#3538)
- Fixed: update is called before receive (#3658, 3780)
- Fixed: Error when dragging an item before last item has finished dragging (#3545)
- Fixed: inconsistent drag behavior across browsers (#3546)
- Fixed: reloading iframe (#3595)
- Fixed: fast click bugs with sortable (#3329)
- Fixed: 'update' option broken in rails 1.3 (#3828)
- Fixed: Removed use and support of $.ui.plugin (#3725)
- Fixed: connected sortable provides wrong ui.sender property in receive callback (#3856)
- Fixed: missing connectWith default (#3888)
- Fixed: missing default for handle option (#3889)
- Fixed: missing default for placeholder option (#3890)
- Fixed: connectWith should accept string selectors (#3892)
- Fixed: ui hash should have offset instead of absolutePosition (#3977)
- Fixed: padding space should not be used in certain calculations (#3958)
- Fixed: events are improperly named (#4008)
- Fixed: opacity is not reset when placed (#4017)
- Fixed: dragging nested sortable children results in chaotic movement of elements (#3962)
- Fixed: connectToSortable doesn't contain ui.item in callbacks (#4009)
- Fixed: "out" event is being fired on drop (#3988)
- Fixed: connectWith fails (#3979)
- Fixed: fixed position bug in webkit (#4041)
link Widgets
link Accordion
- Added: trigger changestart event when the animation starts (#2932)
- Renamed alwaysOpen option to collapsible (#3969)
- Removed deprecated method fn.activate for 1.6
- Removed selectedClass for consistency reasons to the CSS Framework (#3886)
- Fixed: IE js error when autoHeight is false (#4100)
- Fixed: autoHeight:false animation jumps in 1.6rc6 (#4011)
- Fixed: accordion jumpy with clearStyle true (#3961)
- Fixed: overflow is set to hidden during calculations for fillSpace in IE6 (#3883)
- Fixed: Error when using navigation option in accordion (#3944)
- Fixed: Accordion icons are not being shown correctly in IE(6) (#3844)
- Fixed: clearStyle broken in ui.accordion (#3896)
- Fixed: Missing defaults for active, clearStyle, fillSpace and navigation (#3884)
- Fixed: accordion activate behavior (#3785)
- Fixed: Error in accordion documentation (or implementation) (#3686)
- Fixed: set overflow:auto for fillSpace:true accordions (#3682)
- Fixed: Update markup to new UI CSS Framework specs (#3646)
- Fixed: Automatically add ui- classes (#2513) (#3705)
- Fixed: ui.accordion resize not possible (#3626)
- Fixed: prevent exposure of internal methods (#3194)
- Fixed: use new trigger() method.
- Fixed: inconsistent accordionchange event arguments (#jQuery #3111)
link Datepicker
- Added: support for mousewheel
- Added: day-of-year to format and parse date routines
- Added: big previous/next links to scroll by year using showBigPrevNext setting. Use prevBigText and nextBigText for the displayed text and prevBigStatus and nextBigStatus for their status values (#3111)
- Added: refresh command (#3159)
- Added: Croatian localisation (#3224)
- Added: Esperanto localisation (#3170)
- Added: Serbian localization (#4156)
- Added: Albanian localization (#3550)
- Added: Persian localization (#3536)
- Added: Malaysian (Bahasa Malaysia) localization (#3764)
- Added: Greek localization (#3805)
- Added: complete functional specification on https://wiki.jqueryui.com/DatePickerCalendar (#3744)
- Renamed monthAfterYear setting to showMonthAfterYear
- Removed all unused values from i18n files (#3751)
- Removed not used clearText option from source (#3755)
- Fixed: Updated japanese localization (#3598)
- Fixed: prev and next buttons should not have hover effect when disabled (#3774)
- Fixed: Made datepicker work with jQuery.noConflict(true) (#4055)
- Fixed: Incorrect layout in multiple month rows (#4032)
- Fixed: Changed inline datepicker so it hides the Close button only and not the whole button panel when showButtonPanel=true (#4003)
- Fixed: Datepicker calendar renders at wrong vertical position (#3863)
- Fixed: Unable to select month: numberOfMonths - maxDate - changeMonth combi bug (#3778)
- Fixed: Can't pick years before 1999 (#3859)
- Fixed: DatePicker not hiding consistently on external click (#3858)
- Fixed: In quirksmode the datepicker does not obey the viewport (#3779)
- Fixed: Themeroller doesn't work well with min/max dates in datepicker (#3507)
- Fixed: Themeroller doesn't support datepicker for right-to-left languages (#3503)
- Fixed: Themeroller doesn't support disabled inline datepickers (#3505)
- Fixed: Themeroller changes datepicker appearance when can't change month/year (#3509)
- Fixed: Themeroller for datepicker doesn't highlight today or selected days (#3506)
- Fixed: Themeroller doesn't support multiple months for datepicker (#3504)
- Fixed: clicking on a date causes the browser to follow '#' anchor (#3709)
- Fixed: Month and year dropdown mis-alignment in datepicker (#3712)
- Fixed: multi-datepicker layout is messed up in IE 6 & 7 (#3695)
- Fixed: Updated markup to new UI CSS Framework specs (#3647)
- Fixed: firstDay displays day names incorrectly in multi-month view (#3642)
- Fixed: error in french l18n file for ui.datepicker (#3610)
- Fixed: Setting a date pops up the datepicker window (#3619)
- Fixed: invalid increment operand in Firefox (#3434)
- Fixed: daylight saving issue (#3537,3512,3566,3395,3560,3597)
- Fixed: Only move focus if the datepicker is already showing for that input field (#3258)
- Fixed: ui.datepicker range selection causing previous month image to be replaced by text (#3307)
- Fixed: Update altField on load for inline datepicker (#3547)
- Fixed: The year is now defaulted to the current one if not set in the input field (#3526)
- Fixed: IDs are now sequential (Fixes 3338)
- Fixed: Datepicker breaks with form elements whose ids contain square brackets (#3108)
- Datepicker div now appends to the document after the datepicker(); function is called instead of automatically on include
- Fixed: Keystrokes not recognized by datepicker are passed onto field (#3082)
- Fixed: Inline datepicker doesn't initialize from input field (#3080)
- Fixed: Control order of month and year select boxes using showMonthAfterYear setting (#3084)
- Fixed: Handle IDs with embedded meta-characters (#3108, 3113)
- Fixed: date duplications (again) (#3088, 3105, 3281, 3339)
- Fixed: Display simultaneously past and current month in datepicker using showCurrentAtPos setting (#2818)
- Fixed: Corrected assignment/comparison in _changeDatepicker (#3165)
- Fixed: Corrected automatic ID assignment (#3180, 3235, 3338)
- Fixed: Handle NaN in relative date calculations (#3191)
- Fixed: Handle errors on getting instance data (#3238)
- Fixed: Alternate field is now updated when using "setDate" (#3267)
- Fixed: Made callback signatures consistent: onSelect and onClose return the text form of the date(s), while onChangeMonthYear returns year and month separately (#3183)
- Fixed: position problem in IE 6/7 (#3232)
- Fixed: displayed when using "setDate" and "change" method (#3266)
link Dialog
- Added an id to the title span (needed for ARIA support) (#3451)
- Added isOpen method
- Added closeText option (default 'close') (#3638)
- Added role of button to close link (#3637)
- Added beforeclose callback for dialogs (can prevent closing the dialog by returning false) (#3087)
- Removed autoResize option (now always auto resizes) (#3117)
- Complete written technical specification at https://wiki.jqueryui.com/Dialog (#3745)
- Fixed: Dialog z-index adjusted incorrectly on mousedown (#4214)
- Fixed: Dialog close event occurs too early with hide effect (#4207)
- Fixed: Major performance improvements (#2807)
- Fixed: Don't set focus to elements in the titlebar on open (fixes 4126)
- Fixed: Can't change dialogClass option after init (#4086)
- Fixed: content jumps up when dialog resized in IE6 (#3982)
- Fixed: undefined class being added to ui-dialog element (#4050)
- Fixed: Pass related events to all triggered events (fixes 3718)
- Fixed: Don't allow minHeight to be negative (fixes 3901)
- Fixed: Don't add the button pane div if there are no buttons (fixes 3688)
- Fixed: Setting default opacity to null (preserve current opacity) (fixes 3808)
- Fixed: Ensure the content is visible during init (#3813)
- Fixed: Wrong height on every other open (#3756)
- Fixed: The ui hash in callbacks should not contain the plugin element or the options hash (#3753)
- Fixed: Contain dialogs within the document when dragging (fixes 3731)
- Fixed: Set default height to auto and default minHeight to 150. Now applying minHeight to the content div instead of only using it for resizing (related to 3713)
- Fixed: Dialog is created with wrong height/width when a string is passed (#3667)
- Fixed: User outerWidth/Height for positioning (fixed 3221)
- Fixed: Proper positioning in Opera (#3564)
- Fixed: Content may be cutted at the right side because of padding of content (#3038)
- Fixed: Resizing bug in IE6 (#3095)
- Fixed: Dialog button pane was covered up by main content (#3094)
- Fixed: Updated markup to new UI CSS Framework specs (#3648)
- Fixed: Dialog fails to init on removed elements (#3664)
- Fixed: Non-draggable dialogs shouldn't instantiate draggables (#3389)
- Fixed: Non-resizable dialogs shouldn't instantiate resizables (#3220)
- Fixed: Prevent tabbing out of modal dialogs (#3123)
- Fixed: Remove title attribute from dialog elements on init (#3259)
- Fixed: Prevent exposure of internal methods (#3198)
- Fixed: Cannot select scrollbars inside dialog in Opera 9.51 (#3193)
- Fixed: Focus not going to modal dialog (#3327)
- Fixed: use new trigger() method.
- Fixed: problem with auto margins in IE (#3086)
- Fixed: force dialog titlebars to have a full line height when no title is provided (#3013)
- Fixed: If options.title is empty on init, set it to the title attribute of the dialog element
- Fixed: sizing of overlays in Opera 9.51 (#3076)
- Fixed: Ctrl-Select should use Cmd key on Mac (#3169)
- Fixed: When opening a dialog, give focus to the first tabbable element inside the dialog (#3327)
- Fixed: Don't allow closing modal dialogs on escape if closeOnEscape is set to false (#3253)
link Slider
- Fixed: keyboard interaction to match dhtml style guide (#3081)
- Fixed: prevent bubbling (and default key behaviour) for slider based key events (#3342)
- Fixed: Slider Gallery doesn't behave the same on ui.jquery.com as it does on jqueryfordesigners.com (#3064)
- Fixed: Small dot appears in upper left corner of the slider in Firefox 3 (#3468)
- Fixed: Callbacks in Slider (#3465)
- Fixed: prevent exposure of internal methods (#3206)
- Fixed: keyboard event not swalled, causes scrolling (#3342)
- Fixed: fire beforeunload event (#3228)
- Fixed: steps option (#3489)
- Fixed: Update markup to new UI CSS Framework specs (#3650)
- Fixed: range handles should not be able to cross (#3716)
- Fixed: Incorrect event types for callbacks (#3717)
- Fixed: 'startValue' option or 'start' option of handler of ui slider has no any effect under Safari (#3703)
- Fixed: JavaScript Error when clicking on a Disabled Slider in IE7 (#3668)
- Fixed: click and drag mode error in slider.js (#3242)
- Fixed: Slider handle runs over right slider track edge by 3px (#3618)
- Fixed: "slide" callback not executing with jQuery 1.3b2 (#3783)
- Fixed: Vertical Range Slider Demo Broken (#3848)
- Fixed: missing ui.handle property in options (#3766)
- Fixed: misbehaves when going from min to max or vice versa (#3948)
- Fixed: exceeds min and max limits when using keyboard (#3737)
- Fixed: animation change event returns wrong value if you move mouse (#3643)
- Fixed: support floating values, set number of decimals (#3282)
- Fixed: improvement for _trigger-Method and more consistency in slider events (#3528)
- Fixed: Vertical slider stops working when set to minimum (#4016)
- Fixed: Second handle gets stuck when using two handles (#3736)
- Fixed: Multiple Slider Focus Issues (#3804)
- Fixed: vertical slider handle jumps up when you click on it (#4062)
- Fixed: JS error when slider is on minimum and mouse up is not on handle (#4106)
- Fixed: IE6 error by min==max (#4155)
- Fixed: animation for single handles broken (#4167)
- Fixed: slider and change callback with range: true (#4005)
- Fixed: Value should always be constrained to valid step values (#4124)
- Fixed: Remove orientation "auto" option (#4174)
- Fixed: min/max classes aren't being added to range div (#4182)
- Fixed: range styling messed up in IE6 (#3997)
- Fixed: Slider should respect the click offset from the handle (#3972)
- Fixed: If animation is set to true, the range of a slider with 2 handles will not work properly (#4194)
link Tabs
- Added: support for tab hover class (#3661)
- Added: add ability to define cookie name for UI Tabs (#2393)
- Rename deselctable option to collapsible (#4029)
- Remove options in tabs for specifying classes (#3691)
- Fixed: use new trigger() method.
- Fixed: cookie name generation which wasn't based on DOM element any longer after change in this.element, update cookie after init/add/destroy (#3015)
- Fixed: Update selected property after add/remove. (#3065)
- Fixed: Themeroller theme does not work with ui.tabs (#3021)
- Fixed: cookie value is not checked on init + selected tab is not stored in cookie on init (#3015)
- Fixed: tabs relies on theme CSS (#2609)
- Fixed: Reset styles more carefully after animation (#3122)
- Fixed: breaks when tab links contain colons (#2715)
- Fixed: UI Tabs ThemeRoller - gap between tabs and tab panel under ie7 (#3447)
- Fixed: Selected index becomes off by one when removing tabs (#3065)
- Fixed: prevent exposure of internal methods (#3208)
- Fixed: After removal $tabs.data('selected.tabs') contains wrong information (#3490)
- Fixed: Update markup to new UI CSS Framework specs (#3651)
- Fixed: Add method doesn't work (#3734)
- Fixed: Can't initialize an empty ul tabset (#3683)
- Fixed: if the first 'li' refers to remote file. The content coming from the remove file is append outside of the tab (mytabs) div element. (#3795)
- Fixed: Ajax Tabs Demo Bug (#3852)
- Fixed: destroy method: needs to be adapted to new markup (#3798)
- Fixed: mouseover option: conflicts with state handling (#3799)
- Fixed: tabs() causes error when no UL available (#3855)
- Fixed: ajax tabs fail in internet explorer when url has a fragment (#3627)
- Fixed: Animations are broken (#3872)
- Fixed: Adding existing div as a new panel should have ui-tabs-hide class (#3875)
- Fixed: ajax ui.tabs and rotation causes error (#2651)
- Fixed: Specifications needed (#3750)
- Fixed: Cookie is not updated with all tabs unselected (deselectable: true) (#3936)
- Fixed: Link pseudo classes overwrite Themeroller styles in IE6 (#4044)
- Fixed: Tab hover class doesn't work for dynamically added tabs (#4097)
- Fixed: Ajax tabs: spinner option issues (#4109)
- Fixed: In-page tab has to cancel a loading Ajax tab (#3929)
- Fixed: Inconsistent href in IE/FF for newly added tabs: "http://domain.com/#name" vs "#name" (#4134)
- Fixed: Selected tab isn't read from cookie in case page url contains fragment identifier (#4210)
- Fixed: Tabs should NOT use togleClass() for .ui-state-hover (#4212)
- Fixed: Tab hrefs may be converted to full URLs in IE, then misinterpreted as ajax tabs (#4033)
- Fixed: Panels retain opacity if animation is stopped by choosing another tab (#4060)
- Fixed: Tabs in Dialog: quirky tab positioning in IE (#3470)
link Effects
link Core
- Fixed: Effects methods don't allow callback as the second parameter (#4181)
- Fixed: Effects ignored speed in some situations (#4057)
- Fixed: Effects problems with non-numeric duration (#3912)
- Fixed: toggleClass override breaks new jQuery 1.3 toggleClass state parameter (#3857)
- Fixed: Easing doesn't work on class animations (single-line fix) (#3674)