jQuery UI 1.8a1 Changelog
Released on August 12, 2009
link New Plugins
link Core
- added custom selectors for widgets, e.g., :ui-draggable (#4266)
- widget factory auto detects getters (#4411) (#4601)
- all widget events are now lowercase (#4668)
- plugin options now do a deep extend with defaults (#4366)
- ui hash is always an object in callbacks/events now (#4650)
link Interactions
link Draggable
- removed ui.absolutePosition in callbacks (#3990)
- can now pass a string or array of x/y coordinates for cursorAt option (#2525)
link Droppable
- removed ui.absolutePosition in callbacks (#3989)
link Resizable
- disabling now works properly (#4743)
link Sortable
- connected, floated sortables work (#4551)
- can now pass a string or array of x/y coordinates for cursorAt option (#2525)
- supports nested sortables again (#4611)
link Widgets
link Accordion
- fallback to a slide animation if an invalid easing is provided (also accept animated: true) (#4392)
- fillSpace: true now accounts for header margins (#4436)
- navigation option works again (#4653)
- no longer stops propagation of clicks inside headers (#4732)
- autoHeight now calculates height properly (#4754)
- able to create an accordion without icons (#4222)
- content no longer disappears in IE with autoHeight: false (#4444)
- active property now updates to reflect current state (#4576)
link Datepicker
- able to properly pick dates in other months when showing multiple months (#4634) (#3657)
- manually entered dates now update the alt field (#3861)
- iframe overlay for IE 6 z-index correction is now properly sized (#4054)
- added showMonthAfterYear and yearSuffix options for i18n (#4085)
- setDate can now be called multiple times (#4647)
- added autoSize option to set the size of the input field based on the date format (#3891)
- minDate getter now returns a value (#4357)
- proper detection of prev/next links when displaying a grid of calendars (#4536)
- fixed Hungarian localization (#4556)
- fixed Italian localization (#4599)
- input id can now contain $ (#4684)
link Dialog
- dialogs now remember their position after drag (#4679)
- can now pass a hash for position (#2525)
- when height is set to a pixel value smaller than the minHeight, the height will override the minHeight (#4101) (#4101)
- buttons no longer disappear after dragging (#4271)
- now triggers drag and resize events (#4629)
- resizing is now constrained to the document (#4664)
- beforeclose option changed to beforeClose (#4669)
link Slider
- canceling the slide event now actually cancels the slide (#4751)
link Tabs
- Fixed styling for multiple rows of tabs (#4399)